An important announcement to help you beat cancer
Chris, I wanted to tell you right away. The books ’Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer’, and, ’The Rainbow Diet - and how it can help you beat cancer’ are from yesterday on sale in America! Both are at the correct retail price (not some third party trying to rip people off. $7700 for one book! What was that?) So sensible prices and sensible postage rates too. I’m only sorry we didn’t do it years ago.
I have also included a review of a herb I think anyone with cancer would want to know the Truth about. Then an important review on what ’alternative’ treatments have actually resulted in someone beating a Glioma. (Yes, the Truth is it does happen!) Plus an update on cannabis, and a cheap supplement you should take as soon as someone mentions surgery or biopsy. Finally, another meta-analysis says that the Rainbow Diet protects against cancer and reduces cancer mortality - breast, prostate, colorectal and more.  Having cancer is bad enough. We don’t want you to die of ignorance. Chris Woollams
1. My books are now on sale in the USA and Canada They have been such huge successes. "Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer’ sells out regularly, and we update it. "It’s my bible", is a comment we hear frequently. "It’s brilliant; easy to read, understand and use"; "Packed with all the latest ideas and treatments". It was even described by the head of a rival UK charity as "Ten years ahead of its time".
The Rainbow Diet was first penned in 2005. Constantly updated, what was a theory at the outset has now been proven by numerous studies to be 100% true (and almost the opposite to conventional health recommendations a decade ago). Again, we’ve updated the book - now you really can ’Eat a Rainbow’. The book has shopping lists and an easy to understand point system.
The ’Truth about Cancer’ series runs again (for FREE) It starts TOMORROW on April 12th. NINE films all FREE to watch, as American Ty Bollinger goes round the world talking to doctors who have developed or use alternative ways of treating cancer, plus a number of individuals who beat theirs. You are absolutely guaranteed to learn something from this series, and it is completely free to watch. It really is well worth doing so if you are touched by cancer.
What is interesting for us at CANCERactive is that every single treatment he finds and talks about, was already covered on our website. He could have just visited us! Some of his discoveries have been featured by us for ten years or more. It is great that he has made a free Documentary series, but great for us that he has ’found’ so many of the treatments we have told you all about in the past. Ty even has half a programme devoted to ’Eat a Rainbow’. We love it!! You will find it all very interesting.
2. Here’s a herb you really should know about It kills pathogens, boosts the immune system, kills candida, and reduces blood sugar levels. Oh, and it also has anti-cancer properties with cancers like breast, brain cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung tumours. Learn the Truth here first!
3. Alternative brain cancer treatments that worked Having a glioma was described to me by an oncologist as like holding a tiger by the tail. But some people have beaten their grade 4 brain cancer, so I pulled it all together for you.
4. Can Cannabis Cure Cancer? The most talked about subject right now in medicine. We first covered it in 2006. Here is the definitive article - if you are looking at cannabis, read this article first. A doctor I know read it and described it as ’fascinating’, ’completely educational’ and ’excellent’.
5. PLEASE take this as soon as your doctor mentions biopsy or surgery I’ve been looking at even more research. Here’s an old off-patent drug that greatly reduces cancer spread, especially that caused by surgery and even biopsy. Do not ignore this article.
PERSONAL PRESCRIPTIONS Every month I try to ’buddy’ people with cancer - I help them build a programme (diet, supplements, complementary therapies, stress management etc.) around their doctor’s ’clever stuff!’ The American Cancer Society is very clear. In their 2012 report, they state: Complementary Therapies can increase survival times and even prevent a cancer returning.
We have a two hour chat, and you write your plan, which I will check over. I’ll make all sorts of suggestions and you choose the most relevant. You can ask further questions as and when you want by e mail. As someone said last month in an e mail to me "It was brilliant. You explained, you told me things no one had mentioned, and you gave me a clear way forward. It was beyond every expectation!". I talk to people in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India and the UK. Recently people have come because their doctor recommended me. I’m humbled!
6. Adherence to Rainbow Diet decreases cancer mortality Why am I not surprised that this meta-analysis involving over 1.7 million people came up with a very simple conclusion - exactly what I have been telling you for ten years. And see the top bioactive food compounds too.