An aspirin a day cuts cancer death risk by 37%



Oxford University and John Radcliffe Hospital Scientists led by Professor Peter Rothwell have found ’strong evidence’ across a number of recent studies that aspirin can not only help prevent the development of cancer, it can reduce the chances of cancer spreading and reduce deaths.
The researchers say the evidence is ’so strong’ they expect NICE to take urgent action telling Doctors to prescribe aspirin to cancer patients. Some of the studies involved over 200,000 people and there was particular emphasis on throat and lung cancer although the research involved all cancers.
Prevention - One study showed that taking a daily aspirin tablet for three years reduced the chances of developing cancer in men by 23 per cent, and in women by 25 per cent.
Reducing Metastases - Another study showed that once cancer had been diagnosed the chances of it spreading were cut in more than half (55%) if aspirin was taken daily for six and a half years.
Reducing Death - A third study showed that aspirin cut the risk of dying from cancer by more than a third (37%) if taken daily for five years.
Aspirin has found favour after previous research showed it prevented strokes and heart attacks. In this new research, the Oxford Scientists found the benefits in fighting cancer were even larger.
Researchers told journalists that aspirin reduced the effectiveness of platelets which cause the blood to clot. Apart from their role in strokes and heart attacks, platelets are also involved in the cancer process, in metastases (spread to other locations) and in tumour formation. 
Readers should note: There is a warning that you should not take aspirin on an empty stomach and that it can cause bleeding and ulceration in certain cases. However, people normally take 2 tablets of 300 - 500 mgs for pain relief. The Oxford Researchers used daily doses of just 75 mgs or just one fifth of a standard 300 mg tablet. Nevertheless, readers should be fully cognisant of the risks.
For more information on how aspirin can fight cancer and other compounds that might help - click here.


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