Pancreatic cancer has been linked(1) with a thousand-fold increase in gut bacteria, which move to and envelop the pancreas from the gut, according to researchers from the NYU School of Medicine, the NYU College of Dentistry and Permutter Cancer Center.
Previous studies covered here in Cancer Watch have shown a link with 2 particular pathogens common in gum disease.
In particular, the pathogens seem able to block the immune response to the cancer cells and this effect even extends to blocking PD-1 check point inhibitor immunotherapy drugs.
The work was carried out both with mice and human subjects.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is a cancer that is usually fatal within two years.
The study also showed that killing off the gut bacteria en masse by using antibiotics slowed cancer growth rates and allowed the immune cells to recognise the cancer more effectively. PD-1 drugs worked better as a result.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and a founder of CANCERactive said. ”This is the ’atom bomb approach’. Blast all living creatures out of existence to kill a few terrorists. Standard old-fashioned, orthodox oncology practice.
At CANCERactive, we have been seeing good results with pathogen-killing herbs like artemisinin; herbs that don’t kill the good guys at the same time.
In this study the authors say that the gut bacteria produce compounds that shut down the immune response. But this is not true of all the bacteria, nor even the majority, but just a few. Previous work(2) from UChicago Medical School showed that immunotherapy drugs needed good gut bacteria to work better because they increased immune T-cell response in humans.
We applaud the NYU research but caution on the suggested treatment.”
Go to: Using Artemisinin with pathogens
** Cancer Watch - Serious Science Explained **