Lowered tissue oxygen causes epigenetic changes and cancer

Lowered tissue oxygen causes epigenetic changes and cancer

The EU-funded CHAMELEO project(1) has shown that lowered oxygen levels in tissues cause hypermethylation, leading to the build up of histones around the DNA, which in turn causes modification (especially blockages) of genetic expression of the genome inside the DNA, particularly in genes that affect DNA repair, metastases, angiogenesis and cell-cycle regulation.

In particular, researchers showed that lowered blood oxygen levels can cause ’localised’ hypoxia in cells. This in turn reduces levels of TET enzymes. And good levels of TET are required to regulate methylation around the DNA. Excess methylation is associated with epigenetic changes in histones around the genome, which in turn compromise the messages from your core genome; your DNA. This is often referred to as ’mutation’ and can cause or worsen cancer.

Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and a founder of CANCERactive said, “This finding is enormous. We have long known that cancer thrives in low oxygen conditions, and we know that cancer tumours create ‘hypoxic pockets’ acting as valves to stop oxygen getting to them and harming them. This research explains how low ’localised’ oxygen promotes hypermethylation of tumour suppressor genes and promotes cancer growth, damaging various immune system controlling genes and DNA replication, while encouraging cancer to spread.

It’s important to keep overall blood oxygen levels high but even that might not be enough locally. According to the researchers, some surgical practices in cancer remove blood vessels and this was shown to increase hypoxia in the remaining cells. We find localised oxygen can be linked to yeast infections too. No wonder cancer can return so easily after surgery and antibiotics.

Importantly, the researchers concluded exactly what CANCERactive has been telling you for a decade. Namely, that providing oxygen to cancer patients might effectively reverse the hypoxia or oxygen shortage. We know from our research into Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the meta-study of Stuhr and Moen that providing oxygen can induce ’hyperoxia’, and bring a number of important anti-cancer benefits. Readers should definitely look into HBOT”

Go to: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and cancer


1. https://cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/188190_en.html

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