Are antibiotics the cause of rising colorectal deaths amongst the young?

Are antibiotics the cause of rising colorectal deaths amongst the young?
Research shows that more younger adults are dying of colon or rectal cancer and health 'experts' are blaming this on a lack of screening, which has nothing to do with cause; the cause is most likely the over-use and even unnecessary use of antibiotics especially in the young.
Increased deaths from Colorectal Cancer in under 50s
In America, alarm is spreading over the increased rates of death from colorectal cancer in adults under the age of 50.  And the ‘surprised’ medical profession is pointing the finger at a lack of screening for younger people.
While screening would help spot the disease at an early stage, ultimately this is not the cause of the increase in numbers. 
Antibiotic use ruins the gut microbiome
“In recent years, we have seen an increase in research studies linking the use of antibiotics to several cancers and especially Colorectal cancer. A staggering 50% of antibiotics are even prescribed by doctors for illnesses where they have no effect. Several research studies shave shown a heightened risk of bowel cancer and colorectal cancer where people have had antibiotics over long periods,” says Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and founder of CANCERactive.  “I really cannot see why the medical profession is surprised or in doubt about the reasons”.
The new study in JAMA (August 2017) showed that people born in 1990 have twice the risk of colon cancer and four times the risk of rectal cancer than people born in 1950.
This research was conducted in the USA, but numbers have been following the same patterns in the UK.  Little attention has been paid to the importance of gut bacteria in our overall health.  The under 50s have grown up largely on mis-information about diet, processed and packaged food, and lowered nourishment. But they have been given antibiotics like sweets - but antibiotics are dangerous. All this has led to microbiome damage (dysbiosis), including an increased risk of IBS, Crohn's, colitis and diverticulitis. Of course, these people get more colorectal cancer. It's obvious! 

It's incredible that there are people who bizarrely point to screening and claim this is the reason we are discovering more cases.  But screening isn’t used in younger people, and certainly wouldn’t account for their increases in death rates.  We need to realise that antibiotics are dangerous drugs and stop handing them out like sweets, especially to the under 7s where they do appalling damage”, adds Woollams.

Go to: Antibiotics linked to cancer

2017 Research
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