Alternative non-drug treatment cures child leukaemia

Alternative non-drug treatment cures child leukaemia
In 2014, Layla was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukaemia. She wasn’t even one year old. The oncologists gave her chemotherapy, of course. And then a bone marrow transplant. Both failed.
But then someone mentioned gene editing, where the expert is Waseem Qasim, a Professor at University College London.  Trials have already shown that adding a gene for a receptor on a patient’s T-cells, which in normal conditions attack rogue cells, could re-awaken them so they killed a cancer.
Qasim works in the Institute of Child Health at UCL and is part of a multinational group working on Cell and Gene Therapies for inherited disorders including cancer.
In Layla’s case there was a problem – Layla’s own T-cells were ruined by the chemo. So, Qasim re-edited a donor’s T-cells removing various sequences including those that would alert Layla that this was foreign material. Put simply, gene editing involves cutting away the genes you don’t need from a comparable piece of donor DNA.
The treatment had never been used outside the laboratory and so, to a degree, Layla was a guinea pig. But the parents wanted this treatment, which, for Layla, involved little more than 10 minutes on an intravenous drip.
With every passing week since the 2015 treatment Layla has improved and now the cancer seems to be completely non-existent.
A second girl was then treated. She was 15 months old, and again there is full recovery.
Ultimately, this treatment could be used well beyond paediatrics, adding genes were failures have occurred in cancer and other diseases.
Go To: Alternative Cancer Therapy, Gene Editing
Chris Woollams, former Oxford Biochemist and founder of CANCERactive said, “I love alternative therapies like this. It is what the future of cancer treatment is all about. Real science; real brain power. 
For too long we have been under the controlling influence of Big Pharma with their devastating and poorly performing drugs. I remember sharing a speaking platform with one of the UK’s top professors who over lunch said simply, ‘We would have cracked cancer by now if we were not all wasting our lives doing meaningless drug research’.
Hopefully we are coming to the end of a most dreadful and wasteful era. The Lancet has told us that 40% or more of drug research results are fabricated and this has been confirmed by the FDA. Fabricated results, twisted bt expensive PR companies and held in place by lobbying politicians and people at the top of the Health Industry. Bribery and corruption are the norm. Even the UK top doctors have said ’Chemo can give false hope and do more harm than good’.
Yet the stranglehold by Big Pharma ensures good sense rarely sees the light of day. 
On the new ‘wonder’ immunotherapy drugs, I remember reading the research on one trial. Docetaxel increased survival 5 months; the immunotherapy 17 months. Difference 12 months. Yet, a very bright professor at Sloane Kettering was giving interviews about how ‘the drug was proven to give 3-years extra survival’. I am different to most journalists, I admit. I read the research!!!! I guess if you don’t, you just believe this crap.
And when there is research that drugs can promote, (yes, promote), the recurrence of cancer, third party lackeys are just wheeled out to argue that ’it’s not true’. Even the UK’s leading cancer charity, drug developers Cancer Research, talked complete cobblers about this.
Skeptic charities like Sense about Science have received donations in the past from Big Pharma and Coca Cola alike so that their friend (Internet trolls) - usually IT people or industrial chemists at best - can punt their misleading propaganda and ‘fake news’ against anyone who dares to say that drugs are almost useless and/or that sugar drives cancer. Mindless. The evidence is overwhelming.
At CANCERactive, we have told you about the Nanoknife removing pancreatic tumours, virotherapy giving people with lung cancer 12 years extra survival at MD Anderson, or Proton Beam Therapy (again MD Anderson), the only thing worth considering for a child brain tumour. 
We have told you how Richard cured his prostate cancer with localised hyperthermia in Germany; how Freda cured her grade 4 ovarian with diet and Hyperbaric Oxygen, how Amy cured her brain tumour at Preston Robert Tisch with Dendritic cell therapy and 23 supplements.
Alternative therapies, emerging therapies, non-invasive therapies. Not a drug in site.
To repeat. There is absolutely no evidence that drugs cure cancer. Even in anecdotal stories, you will always find the patient added a complementary therapy!
A few years back, we talked to some leading oncologists at MD Anderson. They were adamant then that all the interesting cancer treatments were in non-drug areas.
Chemotherapy drugs are an $80 billion industry. And none cures cancer. In fact, according to 4 large research studies, it is not even worth having orthodox medicine if you’re are over 50 and develop prostate cancer – you will not survive a day longer. Surely then, prescribing a drug to someone with prostate cancer is tantamount to fraud, is it not? A false promise at best.
Most women with breast cancer, most people with colorectal cancer, are still today in Britain given 5FU, a 1956-approved chemo. Oh dear. In recent UK chemosensitivity tests on both cancers it failed to score at all. Nil, zip, niente. 
‘Wonder’ immunotherapies are expected to increase the drug market to $120 billion across the next 5 years. When two are used together, quite good results emerge for 11 per cent of people. But 30 per cent of people taking the twin drug programme develop diabetes, 15 per cent develop an autoimmune attack and 2% die in the first 2 weeks. Cancer Research will no doubt call it teething troubles. Oh dear.
An inconvenient truth is that probiotics (including Bifidobacteria) make the drugs work better. But, of course, the drugs destroy your gut bacteria, your immune systems and your vitamin D levels.
It took about 15 years for giant, brand leader, Kodak to be surpassed by modern technology. And it went bust. Love him or hate him, Trump and his team are going to be asking some pretty nasty questions of Big Pharma over the next few years. There can be little doubt Big Pharma’s quest for ever-increasing profits has held up the quest for non-invasive cancer cures, directly and indirectly. Hopefully, their end will come as fast as Kodak’s.
We wish Layla all the very best for the rest of her life”.
2017 Research
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