Chemical causes of cancer

15 ways to prevent cancer

Chemical oestrogen can drive your cancer

In 2010, we covered a research study showing that 13 chemicals were implicated in prostate cancer. On checking, every single one of them was an ’oestrogen mimic’. A ’gender bender’ chemical. A chemical oestrogen or a xenoestrogen.

In 2015 the World Health organisation urged governments to ban phthalates and BPA (Bisphenol A). Both are powerful oestrogen (estrogen) mimics - and ubiquitous. Phthalates are in plastic; in your bottles, leaching oestrogen-mimics into the liquid they contain - the water, the healthy juice, you name it. Worse, let the plastic heat - leave your bottle in a hot car, your sunscreen on the beach, pour hot coffee into your thermos cup, and the plasticisers denature and more go into the liquid contained - then you drink it, or rub it into your skin. Colorectal cancer and melanoma are driven by oestrogen - not just breast and prostate cancers. BPA is at least banned in some countries like France. It is in the white linings of cans - fizzy soft drinks and vegetables - in dummies, babies drinking bottles and toys.

Welcome to the world of ’gender benders’ - a term given to chemicals, like the ones sprayed on macadamia nut trees in Noosa that saw all the fish in the river become hermaphrodite, and then cattle in the fields next door couldn’t have calves.

Welcome to a world of more female periods, more endometriosis, lowered sperm counts in men and more testicular cancer.

Chemical oestrogens are behind it all.

Worse, you bring them into your own home. The average British housewife comes into contact with 680 a month. Two thirds are toxic, one third possibly carcinogenic.

Go To: Live clean with everyday products containing no ’chemicals of concern

Nail polish contaIns toluene, soaps, shampoos contain perfume and perfume can have 15 or ore chemical oestrogens; sunscreen can conntain oxybenzone - it’s a xenoestrogen you rub into your skin every 2 hours on the beach.

In 2012, Cancer Watch covered Canadian research on lung cancer. The biggest area of growth is non-small cell lung cancer. The group it was growing most rapidly in was ’young women’. But none was a smoker or a third party inhaler. No, these were ordinary young women who liked their cosmetics, make-up and perfumes. Non-small cell lung cancer is estrogen-driven. Already 40 per cent of UK breast cancer is now in the under-60 age group. In 40-something men, prostate cancer has grown 6-fold. Do you want to guess the reason?

Oestrogen - the killer in our midst

Let us start by making one thing absolutely clear. Many solid cancer tumours are hormonally responsive and the hormone that drives them is an oestrogen. Not just in women - but in men too. Oestrogen can drive metastases too - one Doctor described it as ’like pouring patrol on the fire’.

Many breast cancers, endometrial and ovarian cancers. Then some colon cancers and lung cancers (for example, non-small cell lung cancer) melanoma and brain tumours. Then prostate and testicular cancers. You need to know this so that you can better prevent cancer.

But note we said ’is an oestrogen’. 

Oestrogen is not one single hormone but a family of hormones. In three groups. All the oestrogen forms have a chemical ’end’ to their molecule that binds to the same receptor sites on cells.

There is human oestrogen - like oestradiol and oestrone, plant oestrogen or phytoestrogen, and chemical oestrogen, or xenoestrogens.

Human oestrogen - The most aggressive is called oestradiol; its weaker sister is oestrone - you stop making most of the latter when you reach menopause. 

Plant oestrogens (phytoestrogens) are so weak as to actually be protective - you’d rather have them sitting on your cellular receptor sites than oestradiol.

Xenoestrogens, or environmental chemical estrogen

Then there’s a category of chemicals called xenoestrogens. These chemicals once in the body can act like the hormone. Many chemicals have been identified. For example:

Parabens - a common preservative

Phthalates - found in plasticisers in bottles and plastic cups. Released in to the contained liquid especially if hot.

Toluene in perfumes and nail polishes

Bisphenol A - in white lining of cans, toys, plastics

Men are not immune - Many men will be told their prostate cancer is driven by testosterone. This is rubbish. Research has proved that testosterone does not spread cancers (otherwise all 18 year old boys would have prostate cancer). It is oestradiol not testosterone that can be the driving force. In Cancer Watch we covered research that showed prorate cancer was linked to 13 chemicals - all were oestrogen mimics. Testosterone is not the CAUSE. Nor does it SPREAD it. Oestrogen is the driver.

The National press has been full of oestrogen articles. First from the National Cancer Institute in the USA, there was a clear link that obesity resulted in a 20 per cent increased risk of breast cancer. (Who knows what it would have been for other cancers like colon - they didn’t measure those). Obesity was associated with higher levels of oestradiol. Why? You make it using aromatase enzymes in your fat stores.

But more - your fat is an excellent solvent. It dissolves all the chemicals and toxins you’d do better excreting. And the worst is visceral fat. You cannot see it. It surrounds your organs, bathing them in a stew of chemicals.

Open quotesIf you take HRT in a mixed synthetic oestrogen/progesterone format, you are doubling your risk from 1 in 8 to 1 in 4 womenClose quotes

Next, came the Million Women Study From Cancer Research UK where the findings were almost identical to the US Women’s Health Initiative study but used more recruits. Basically if you take HRT in a mixed synthetic oestrogen/progesterone format, you are putting up your cancer risk by 100 per cent at least (i.e. Doubling your risk from 1 in 8, to 1 in 4 women). The oestrogen only pill merely increases your risk by about 25-30 per cent!! (Smoking increases cancer risk by 25%, to put this figure in context).

Oestrogen drives cancer in a number of ways. It can:

  • Alight on receptor sites of healthy cells and create havioc inside them

  • Cause genetic mutation

  • Cause stem cells to stay in their rapidly dividing normal cell precursor state (as in some brain tumours)  

Then we had DIET CAUSES BREAST CANCER as the headline in the Daily Express, and covered fully by all the papers from the Mail to the Times. We are now producing far more oestrogen than our ancestors (and than our Far Eastern neighbours). Consumption of fatty food increases steroid levels, and oestrogen is a steroid ran the argument. Dr. Pollard speaking at the British Association Festival of Science in Salford came up with this headline grabbing statement (one wonders what they had for lunch).

But who cares? Cancer Research also produced a report linking alcohol consumption with breast cancer and another that said only one in five women were prepared to change their habits.

Also, the Journal of the American Medical Association carried a report stating that regular daily exercise reduced breast cancer risk by up to 18 per cent. The NCI in 2002 said exercise reduced oestrogen levels. Yet other reports we have carried in the last 6 months show only a fifth of women even reach the Government advised levels of 20 minutes three times a week, whilst exercise time in schools is in decline, despite Government pledges to increase it.

Open quotesThere are 4000 products that need to be checked out for toxinsClose quotes

Household cleaners

Chemical causes of breast cancer and other cancers

Let’s get back to the title of this article.

The findings of The Royal Commission (appointed by the Queen and the Prime Minister), looking into toxins in our every day products like deodorants, perfumes, bleaches, dyes, disinfectants, household cleaners, cosmetics etc. were awful! The recommendation was that there were 4,000 everyday ingredients that need to be checked out for toxins. The estimate was that two thirds of common chemicals were probably toxic and one third probably carcinogenic! That was in 2004. Did the British Government do anything about it.

In 2012, EuroMPs passed a resolution (they are not ’law makers’) calling for 1100 everyday chemicals commonly in use to be banned or replaced by safer alternatives. The resolution was vetoed by an unelected commissioner.

The Cancer Prevention Coalition in the USA goes even further and covers masses of research. They agree that two thirds of the ingredients are toxic and a great many carcinogenic. Many are known to create oestrogen-like mimics once in the blood stream adding to the level of our oestrogen pool, in both men and women. 

Of course, it doesn’t need to be an oestrogen-mimic to cause and drive cancer. Not just parabens, but aluminium compounds have been found in breast tissue, the latter mainly in the ducts.

You can read Dr. Philippa Darbre’s article: The Enemy Oestrogen. Darbre is a Professor at Reading and one of the leading experts in the world on this subject.

Then there are Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Ever since DDT was discovered to promote a 4-fold increase in breast cancer rates, people have been worried about pesticides etc. The European Commission actually produced a report saying they ’caused illnesses including cancer’. 

In 2013 ’The cancer Journal for Clinicians’ stated that there was widespread agreement and convincing evidence that pesticides and herbicides caused cancer. It talked about all manner of cancers from breast and prostate to leukaemia and lymphoma.

What’s a boy, or girl, to do about excess oestrogen?

You might consider supplements such as Melatonin, Red Clover, and indole 3 carbinol, known to convert aggressive oestradiol to its less active sister oestrone. You can read about Beneficial Bacteria that can help eliminate it from your body and you could rebuild your microbiome, if you felt it had been damaged by drugs or antibiotics over the years.

You could also read Oestrogen mimic effects or Toxic Toileteries on this web site.

Our book, The Rainbow Diet tells you exactly what to add in to your diet to help you cut your risk - it had a lengthy chapter on oestrogen. The Research has been there for years. Yes, there are things to avoid. Start by cutting animal fats and dairy, salt and refined oils, sugars, and grains. But most importantly add in garlic and pulses, potassium foods, magnesium foods, olive oils, nuts, fish and fish oils, fruits and vegetables. If you read icon magazine you see the recommendations every issue. We are happy that other reporters are catching up! 

But we haven’t stopped there. We received so many telephone calls and letters we went a step further. We launched an info-book called Oestrogen - the killer in our midst - just 130 or so pages, easy to read and with a checklist of action points it pulls all the information together in a usable way. It is invaluable for anyone with a hormonally driven cancer, male or female, and covers everything from cutting the oestrogen excesses out of your life to the use of natural progesterone. 

"To buy the books please ring 0203 186 1006 or go to the Natural Selection shop, click the button at the top right hand of this page".

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