
Vitamins, minerals, natural compounds and supplements

Originally published in Issue 2 2005 icon

It’s only natural

Supplementation is almost essential...

The Friendly Flora Effect

On every pack of antibiotics there should be a warning label, which should read: WARNING. This product can destroy friendly intestinal bacteria essential to your immune system, and severely reduce levels of biotin, a crucial B vitamin, in the body. Why? Because it’s true, and doctors just don’t seem to appreciate this.

Biotin is an essential B vitamin, also confusingly referred to as vitamin H.

Open quotesBiotin is an essential B vitaminClose quotes

Whilst friendly bacteria in the intestine make it, in turn the vitamin helps them with the digestive process. And it has been found to be crucial in the growth, or the restriction of growth, of certain yeasts and bacteria.


The RDA is small, even minute, at 100-200mcgs,but that is a ’nonsense’ figure as, apart from antibiotics, the vitamin is easily destroyed by sulphur drugs, oestrogen, alcohol, food processing techniques and egg white (especially raw).


Biotin is crucial in several areas. Firstly it is important in the production of antibodies. It is also essential to the formation of fatty acids. And it is essential in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats. It is a carrier of carbon dioxide in the Krebs cycle - the way healthy cells produce energy in their power stations, or mitochondria.

Open quotesIt can prevent greying and hair loss!Close quotes

And if that’s not enough, it can prevent greying and hair loss!


It is so ubiquitous that deficiency can show up in a number of ways: pins and needles, pains, fatigue, even anaemia skin disorders, eczema, dandruff, hair loss, seborrhoea mental depression, confusion.

Recent Discoveries

Because it is essential to fatty acid metabolism it is now thought that a deficiency is linked to elevated cholesterol levels.

Because of its role in carbohydrate metabolism it is now thought to be linked to the control of blood sugar levels and hence would play a role in diabetes.

And it is now known to aid the usage of folic acid and B-12 in the body. This, plus its role in antibody formation, would indicate a crucial role in cancer prevention. 


The major source historically has been in whole grain, wheatgerm and brewer’s yeast. However, the food refining process removes 90 per cent of B vitamins from our daily bread and breakfast cereals. So switch to wholegrain and wholemeal urgently. Egg yolk and yeast extract are other major sources, along with rice bran, beef liver, pig’s kidney and peanut butter.

With the medical profession and the food industry both undermining the presence of this vitamin in our bodies, supplementation is almost essential.

          At Last - the definitive, research based book on how to build a diet to help beat cancer. Click here to read about it.

Please be clear: At CANCERactive we do not consider the above compound to be a cure for cancer, despite what the research says or experts doing the research may claim. The above, is an article on the compound from published research and expert opinion in the public domain. At CANCERactive we do not believe that any single compound (drug, vitamin, whatever) is a cure for cancer. We believe that people can significantly increase their personal odds of survival by building an Integrated Programme of treatments. Equally, cancer prevention is best practiced through a width of measures.

Vitamins, minerals, natural compounds and supplements
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